If now is not the right time for us to work together one-on-one, you can still get started today with my self-study materials.
If you have questions about any of these materials, aren’t sure which is best for you, or have been working with self-study for a while and are ready to move to personalized coaching, feel free to contact me directly!
So You Want To Speak From Your Diaphragm?
If you’d like a taste of what it’s like to work with me in person, a great place to start is with my free mini-course on the diaphragm and its role in speech. “Speak from the diaphragm” is one of the most common pieces of advice given to those looking for power and projection in their speaking voice. In this course, which includes audio and written instruction and some practical breath and speech exercises for you to try yourself, you’ll learn what this advice truly means and how to use it to begin building a stronger, more powerful voice.

The Voice Book: Caring For, Protecting, and Improving Your Voice
More than 30 million Americans rely on their voices for their jobs – from teachers, religious leaders, and entertainers to lawyers, executives, salespeople, and doctors. A controlled voice increases self-confidence and enhances charisma, approachability, and trustworthiness. Yet an astounding 30 percent of professionals develop preventable vocal problems that could ruin their careers. And most do not know that both the quality and tone of one’s voice can be changed.
The Voice Book: Caring For, Protecting, and Improving Your Voice is a one-of-a-kind reference that will save and improve your voice, your job, and your personal life. With dozens of vocal exercises and a detailed guide to the anatomy and physiology of voice, the book covers the full range of vocal health, from protecting against hoarseness and laryngitis to expanding speaking range and enhancing voice tone and quality.
Illustrations, photographs, FAQs, and access to downloadable audio exercises make The Voice Book the first vocal self-help book of its kind and a must-read for anyone who wants a dependable, strong, and engaging voice.
Accent Modification: Neutral American Dialect
Whether you’re looking for accent modification, accent reduction, or learning an American accent, this detailed instructional manual is the tool for you. The ebook includes extensive embedded audio for every sound in Neutral American English, enabling you to listen to and repeat words and sentences. The text also provides clear instructions to accompany your practice. You’ll learn information on stress, intonation, and rhythm as well as sounding natural.
Accent Modification: Neutral American Dialect is ideal for non-native English speakers or Americans with regional dialects, and even those who already speak with a mostly neutral American dialect but would like to speak more clearly and professionally.

The Laryngeal Teaching Series – Educational DVDs
Kate DeVore and Starr Cookman teamed up to use video endoscopy to show the inside of the throat (pharynx and larynx) during talking, singing, screaming, and making dozens of other sounds.
The videos are a perfect classroom tool for singing and speaking voice teachers. The series is entertaining as well as informative – they are narrated by the larynx itself! And the short running time is classroom-friendly.
AccentHelp for actors
Kate DeVore is part of AccentHelp’s team of coaches, bringing years of professional dialect coaching and teaching experience. Downloadable accent-specific packages lead actors through learning a new accent or dialect using instructional recordings and written materials, plus thousands of recordings of native speakers and suggestions of video clips and movies.