While I am not a singing teacher per se, I do help singers rehab vocal injuries and address technical issues. We often work on the speaking voice (as opposed to singing) most or all of the time. Here’s why.
Tissue healing
One priority in rehabilitating a vocal injury is to heal the vocal cord tissue to the extent possible. While there are some singing exercises that can address that, they way a person speaks plays a huge role.
You speak and sing with the same vocal cords. Most singers (particularly highly skilled ones) have spent a lot of time developing their singing technique. They are mindful of this work when they sing.
But have they thought about their speaking technique?
Pretty much everyone speaks more than they sing. No matter how solid the singing technique may be, if the speaking behaviors are less-than-efficient, the vocal fold tissue can’t heal.
In other words, you can sing perfectly and still get nodules (which affect your singing voice) from they way you talk.
How is speaking voice addressed?
The short answer is that I train people to use their speaking voice in an efficient manner, creating an environment in the larynx that heals vocal fold injuries.
In any kind of voice training, addressing habits is crucial. We can heal the tissue, but then if the old habits kick back in, the injury can return. So shifting habiutal behaviors is key.
Many of the articles on this blog discuss the components of developing and healing vocal injury. Start with Stop wrecking your voice! for an overview and specific examples, then browse around!
So do we ever work on singing?
Sometimes yes and sometimes no.
Many of my clients are elite performers who have exemplary singing technique, and who work with excellent singing teachers on a regular basis. These singers typically do not need my assistance with singing, because their singing was not the culprit in their injury.
Some singers, however, do need adjustments to their singing technique to prevent injury recurrence. In these cases, working on the speaking voice first allows for a quick carry-over of techniques, principles, behaviors, and awarenesses that creates an effficient, effective singing voice.
So if you are singer with a vocal issue, don’t balk if your voice therapist says they want to start by working on your speaking voice!
If you could use some individual coaching on your speaking or singing voice, reach out for a session!